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Top Tips For Starting Up Your Own Trade Business

Whether you’re currently working full-time for a developer, or you’re coming to the end of a contract, you might have considered the idea of starting up your own trade business. Maybe you like the thought of being your own boss, managing and mentoring your own team of staff, or perhaps it’s the earning potential which intrigues you. Either way, starting your own business is a huge, life-changing decision to make and should be considered carefully. After all, being a business owner isn’t suited to everyone.

However, if you’re confident you have the right level of self-motivation, and you’re ready to take on the challenge of starting up your own trade business, then we’ve got some top tips to help get you out. The decisions you make in the first few months of starting your business can make all the difference to it’s long term success, so it’s important to do your research. Take a read of our advice below, and then get to work on your business plan.

  1. Plan & Strategise
    Now this may be the part you’re eager to skip or rush through. It’s incredibly common to feel like you want or need to cut to the chase when it comes to starting your own business, after all  time is money, and you’re keen to start earning money as soon as possible. But if you don’t have somewhat of a business plan or strategy in place, then it’ll be hard for you to sustain success in the long run.
    Sitting down and putting together a plan or strategy doesn’t have to be quite as stressful as you might imagine either. We’d advise sitting down and thinking about your branding, your plan to get new customers, and a general idea of how you’d like your business to grow. These are the three basics you should at least consider before you start out – but if you take a look online you’ll find endless inspiration for more thorough and detailed business plans.
  2. Get Yourself Noticed
    Unfortunately, the construction business is quite a crowded and competitive space in most towns and cities. Therefore, you have to get creative and think about how you’re going to advertise your business. It’s a good idea to start small, and slowly build on this over time. Social media is a great way to spread the word about your business and it’s completely free too! Create an Instagram and Facebook page and showcase your existing work, ask your family and friends to share, and before you know it enquiries will start coming in.
  3. Put Your Customers First
    At the end of the day without your customers, you wouldn’t have a business. So you should always put them first – this is never more important than when you’re first starting out in business, and your reputation means everything. Always be available for your customers when they need you, whether this means answering calls or texts in your spare time, or going out of your way to keep them happy. If your customers have a particularly tricky request, always try to be accommodating. It’s these little things that can leave a lasting impression, and can make the difference between whether or not you get that all important word of mouth recommendation.
  4. Stay Organised
    If you’ve never run your own business before, you might be surprised at the amount of paperwork and admin it can involve, especially if you decide to do your own taxes in the beginning. Being organised is key to your success. If you’re not a naturally great organiser then having some help you with your administration can make all the difference. Whether you ask a family member to help you out to start with, before hiring a part time administrator a little later down the line. You can also find some great virtual assistants willing to help with this type of work online, who will only charge you per hour.
  5. Always be Professional
    When running your own business, at times the lines between life and work can start to blur. So it’s important to remember to stay professional. Always keep any communication between you and your customers professional, and dress and act professionally when working in someone’s home. You can start by taking a look at our professional workwear clothing. This can leave a huge lasting impression on your clients, which will make them more likely to recommend you to friends and family.
  6. Get Insurance
    This may seem like an obvious one, but do your research and make sure you get really good business insurance cover. Working in any trade there is, unfortunately, huge room for disagreement and error, therefore it’s essential for you to protect yourself and your business financially.

We hope this advice is helpful and has given you some things to consider when starting out. Starting your own business can be one of the most rewarding things you can do – best of luck!

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