
Why Every Business Can Benefit From Workwear

Do your staff wear a uniform or professional workwear on a daily basis? Whether your business is in construction, hairdressing and beauty, hospitality, retail or even if you run a graphic design agency, you might be surprised to hear that introducing workwear for your staff could make a huge difference. In a lot of industries, such as construction, workwear is required by law. This is due to an employers legal duty of care to protect staff from any risks in the workplace which can't otherwise be avoided. So, once a business has completed their risk assessment, if they find any major...

Must have PPE for DIY

DIY has been big business lately. Not only does Spring time signal new beginnings, fresh starts and inspires us to want to create fresh, clean spaces in our homes, combined with the global pandemic, where we've all been stuck indoors, it's no surprise we're all planning DIY projects. We've all got a bit more time on our hands to finally tick off those long to-do lists, and are feeling inspired by all the DIY hacks we've seen on social media. Whatever it is that's inspired you, working on DIY projects around your own home can be a really positive way to...

Top Tips For Starting Up Your Own Trade Business

Whether you're currently working full-time for a developer, or you're coming to the end of a contract, you might have considered the idea of starting up your own trade business. Maybe you like the thought of being your own boss, managing and mentoring your own team of staff, or perhaps it's the earning potential which intrigues you. Either way, starting your own business is a huge, life-changing decision to make and should be considered carefully. After all, being a business owner isn't suited to everyone. However, if you're confident you have the right level of self-motivation, and you're ready to take...

How To Stay Safe When Hiking

Last year quickly became the year of 'going for a walk'. For a lot of us who were under government enforced lockdown, going on a walk was pretty much all we could do to get out of the house most days! Walking is a great way to get fit, connect with nature and feel more active, but when you start taking your walks more seriously and going on more adventurous, longer hikes, then you do need to start considering your safety. As with any outdoors activity or sport there are risks to consider, so we wanted to share some useful...

Best Disposable Gloves for Mechanics

Working in a car garage can really take it's toll on your hands. You might not mind getting a bit of oil or grease on your hands, but there's also hot temperatures, chemical products and sharp edges to contend with. So if you're serious about protecting your hands from any of these, then we'd recommend stocking up on the right disposable gloves. When it comes to disposable gloves there are plenty of options out there; various materials, sizes, powdered or non powdered, and of course a whole range of colours to choose from. But which are the best disposable gloves for...

8 Most Unusual Uses for Work Gloves

Our wide selection of work gloves has to be our most popular range of products here at Pronto Direct. And whilst most of our customers are purchasing work gloves to be used in traditional settings, such as on-site as a builder or carpenter, for gardening or even for mechanical jobs in a car garage, we do occasionally get customers enquiring about gloves for far more niche uses. Let's take a look at some of the most unusual uses for our work gloves that we've come across so far. It might even inspire you to use your gloves differently! 1. Bat Handling A surprisingly...

How To Claim Tax Back For Washing Uniform

Does your role require you to wear a uniform for work? If you answered yes, then you could be owed money! Thousands of people in the UK each year wear a work uniform every single day, but are not taking advantage of the deduction in tax available to those who care for their own work uniforms. If you wear a uniform and are ready to make some savings, then carry on reading. Who's eligible? There are a few basic criteria you must meet to start claiming back tax. You must live and work in the UK, and be employed by someone else, and...

What Are Neodymium Magnets?

If you're looking for strong magnets to use in the workplace, for hobbies or arts & crafts, then there's no doubt that you will have come across neodymium magnets by now. These super strength magnets have become hugely popular due to their incredible magnetic field, which makes them handy for a wide range of tasks. But what exactly are they? What makes them so strong? And what can they be used for? Let's take you through everything you need to know about these super strong magnets. What are neodymium magnets? Neodymium magnets are one of the strongest permanent magnets in the world....

When Should You Wear Disposable Shoe Covers?

When it comes to workplace safety, PPE is largely determined by the environment in which you'll be working. Disposable shoe covers are no exception to this. They are an essential piece of PPE in controlling cross-contamination. Not only is this essential when it comes to controlling germs and bacteria, but it can also be important aesthetically. Plastic disposable shoe covers are incredibly popular in a variety of industries due to their versatility. But let's take a look at some of the most popular situations in which you should wear disposable overshoes. Disposable Shoe Covers for Rain Due to the nature of shoe...

The Ultimate Guide to Safety Footwear

When it comes to purchasing safety footwear, whether you're buying your first pair of work boots or you're looking to upgrade to something new, you might feel a bit overwhelmed at the selection available. Should you opt for high safety boots, or lower safety shoes, or what about safety trainers? Do you need waterproof safety boots, or will plain leather boots do the job? Understanding exactly where you'll be wearing your boots, and what work you'll be doing in them is the first step to whittling down your options. Read our helpful guide to safety footwear, as well as some of...
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